Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3D Girl...........!

                                             Hey guys, so my school is making a spy movie (it's a action, comedy and a little bit of romance movie,) and I tried out for the roll of Amy. Amy is a fun and funny, chocolaty loving person. She works for a spy government but she is not a spy her self. She works behind the scenes, every day she on her computer researching for information that the spy's can use on their mission. But the sad thing is that I didn't get the part. :(  However I got a different part that I also love, I got the roll of 3D girl! The roll of 3D girl is a girl that is in 5 or 6 major scenes. She wares 3D glasses and eats popcorn and she has about 4 or 5 different lines. I hope this movie will true out great :] !!!!  

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